Elma contests page


General info

This page is trying to be an Elma contest page. It means, we - my brother Kristi and Me - will make levels in which you can compare your skills with other Elma players. Every few weeks a level will appear here. You will have some days time to play it and to achieve a good time.
After the given deadline, the times of all the participients will be compared and a final results list will be created, so you can see how good/bad you are.



The rules are very simple. You should download the level(to be able to play it ;-) ).
Then you play the level as many times as you want, but beware of the deadline! You have to let us know your time in time!
And how to let us know your time? You send us an email with the level back, and include the replay, so that we can check if you were not cheating! And don't forget to write your name, so we can put it into the players list!

Note - There can be special contests where the point may not be racing for the best time.
The goal maybe e.g. collecting as many apples as possible...


Current contest

Wheelie contest 1
Contest description: This is a "wheelie" contest, so you are allowed to ride only on your rear wheel.
It means, you can't touch the ground with the front wheel.
If you need to turn back, you have to do this in such a way, that both wheels do not touch the ground at the same time(so in fact you can only turn in the air, 'cause if you are riding on the rear wheel and you turn, it becomes your front wheel and that means breaking the rules, 'cause now you are standing on the front wheel...).
So you see, this contest is not as easy as the first one. Keep trying, until you get it!
Contest start: 10/10/2004
Contest end: ???
Contest level: KristiKW.lev
Current best time: 00:18:07
Players: Axelsky

Download the level here
Send your time and replay to axelsky@zoznam.sk?subject=elmacon


Number of players - 4

Place Player Time
1st place BoneLESS 00:18:07
2nd place burgertime 00:18:87
3rd place Marvin 00:20:67
4th place Axelsky 00:22:68


Contests archive

X-mas contest

Contest description: It's our first contest, and so it's very simple. Just go for the best time!
Contest start: 12/17/2003
Contest end: 04/01/2004
Contest level: KristiK1.lev
Winner's time: 01:24:79
Players: Axelsky

Download the level here
Send your time and replay here

Final standings

Number of players - 2
Winner - Axelsky

Place Player Time
1st place Daft 00:38:54*
2nd place Axelsky 01:24:79
3rd place - - - - - -

* - time added after end of contest


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